

Cold Spots on radiators?, Boiler Cycling & Kettling?

What is a Powerflush?
What is a Powerflush? - A Powerflush is a specialist machine operated by a high trained engineer to remove any debris from a heating system, in order to achieve the best possible result we also us a highly powerful magnet to capture any particles (small or large) causing the issues within your heating system.

Why do i Need one? - If you are experiencing Cold Radiators, Radiators with Cold Spots, a boiler banging when running, increasing breakdowns? these could all be signs that you system required a powerflush.

Results & Gains

As a result the benefits of a professionally delivered Powerflush could be * Varies from system to system -
• Increased pump life as your central heating pump handles clear water instead of sludge
• Curing radiator cold spots so that the full surface of the radiator heats your room
• Improved central heating system efficiency so reducing fuel costs in future years
• Clearing the boiler heat exchanger to stop banging noises (kettling) and prolonging the boiler life
• Reduces Hydrogen gas build up which can lead to radiator corrosion and reduced heat output
• Clearing your system of contaminated water which could lead to internal heating system corrosion resulting in costly breakdowns

Send us your issue, we are happy to help!

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